“كوادرنا البشرية هي الركيزة الأساسية لكلّ ما نقوم به في شركة نيوم للهيدروجين الأخضر، وهي التي تمكّننا من بناء مستقبل نظيف وأفضل للجميع. وبينما نسعى اليوم إلى زيادة عدد موظفينا، نطمح إلى توفير بيئة عمل تقوم على التعاون وتحفّز على الابتكار والنمو. ونحرص على جذب أفضل المواهب إلى فريق عملنا، لنعمل معاً على بناء مستقبل أخضر.”

وسام الغامدي، الرئيس التنفيذي

ما الذي يحفّزكم للعمل معنا؟

ثقافتنا المؤسسية

يُعدّ الهيدروجين الأخضر من الحلول الواعدة لمعالجة أزمة التغير المناخي ووضع استراتيجيات الكربون. وحان الوقت اليوم للاستفادة مما يوفره هذا القطاع من فرص وإمكانات.

يوجد العديد من المجالات لإطلاق مسيرتكم المهنية أو تطويرها، بدءاً من البحث والتطوير والهندسة وإدارة المشاريع وصولاً إلى تطوير الأعمال وإدارة العمليات والصيانة وغيرها.

وإنّنا نفخر بتوفير منصّة داعمة ونشر ثقافة عمل تقوم على تنمية المواهب وإتاحة فرص النمو، لتمكين كوادرنا البشرية من الإسهام في بناء مستقبل خالٍ من الكربون.

استفيدوا من هذه الفرصة وانضمّوا إلى فريق عملنا.

قيمنا الجوهرية


السلامة هي الركيزة الأساسية لكلّ ما نقوم به في شركة نيوم للهيدروجين الأخضر. وانطلاقاً من إيماننا بإمكانية تجنّب وقوع أيّ نوع من الحوادث، نضع سلامة كوادرنا البشرية في الصدارة دوماً.

كوادرنا البشرية

إنّ اندفاع كوادرنا البشرية وتفانيهم في العمل هو ما يميزنا عن غيرنا. فبدءاً من الشراكات التي نطلقها وصولاً إلى بيئة العمل الداعمة، نحرص على نشر ثقافة عمل ترتكز على الاحترام ونحفّز كوادرنا البشرية على الإسهام بشكل فاعل في بناء مستقبل أفضل للجميع.


نفخر بأنّ ما نقوم به اليوم يسهم في إحداث فرق إيجابي في عالمنا، ونؤكد التزامنا بلعب دور محوري في الحفاظ على مستقبل كوكبنا في المدى البعيد.


الابتكار هو بمثابة ثقافة عمل تحفّزنا كشركة على التطوّر باستمرار. فكلّ يوم هو فرصة جديدة لنا للتعلّم وإثبات قدرتنا على لعب دور قيادي في قطاع الطاقة.


تُعدّ التكنولوجيا من الشروط الأساسية لنجاحنا، حيث يلعب الاستثمار في أحدث التقنيات والخبرات الفنية دوراً محورياً في ترسيخ مكانتنا كشركة رائدة في القطاع.

فرص العمل الجديدة

  • Shiqri, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Electrical Engineer – Solar Plant

    Electrical Engineer shall be responsible to support and enable a reliable & efficient operation and maintenance of 2.97 GW dc solar PV farm in NEOM region. The main objective to ensure safe, reliable & efficient operation of solar PV farm by ensuring the safety of plant personnel and plant assets.

  • Shiqri, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Lead Control Room Operator – Solar Plant

    Control Room Lead Operator shall be responsible to lead a team of operators for 2.97 GW dc solar farm in NEOM region. The main objective to operate the PV plant in a safe, reliable & efficient manner by actively contributing to the safety of plant personnel and plant assets.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Instrumentation Technician – Transmission

    Instrumentation technician is responsible for installing, maintaining, repairing, and calibrating electrical equipment’s used in NGHC 380KV grid network system. Electrical instrumentation technician may also be tasked with monitoring the performance of these equipment’s, systems to ensure they’re operating correctly. This might include checking pressure gauges, observing flow meters, checking induction testing instruments, earth testers, voltage gauges etc.

  • Shiqri, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Instrument Technician – Solar Plant

    Instrument Maintenance Technician shall be responsible for maintenance of 2.97 GW dc solar PV farm in NEOM region. The main objective to ensure every maintenance activity has been performed with recommended safety, quality & standard which eventually reduces the average down time of an equipment & enhance the performance & lifecycle of the asset.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Electrical Engineer – Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Plant

    Electrical Engineer BESS shall be responsible to support and enable a reliable & efficient operation and maintenance of 450MW Battery Energy Storge System (BESS) in NEOM region. The main objective to ensure safe, reliable & efficient operation of BESS plant by ensuring the safety of plant personnel and plant assets.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Maintenance Engineer – Wind

    Wind – Maintenance Engineer shall supervise and lead the maintenance team of 1.7 GW windfarm at Neom Green Hydrogen Plant. It shall manage the inspection, monitoring and repair of all assets to maintain safety, equipment integrity and reliability in accordance with NGHC maintenance strategy whilst ensuring uninterrupted plant operations and effective upkeep of assets. It shall proactively develop system and practices to encourage continuous workflow improvements and increase the asset productivity and efficiency.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Instrument Technician – Battery Energy Storge System (BESS)

    BESS – Instrument Technician shall inspect, monitor, repair and calibrate the control instruments of 450MW Battery Energy Storge System (BESS) in NEOM region. It shall support to maintain safety, equipment integrity and reliability of assets in accordance with NGHC maintenance strategy whilst ensuring uninterrupted plant operations and effective upkeep. It shall also contribute to continuous workflow improvements and increase in the asset productivity and efficiency.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Instrumentation Technician – Wind Plant

    Wind – Instrument Technician shall inspect, monitor, repair and calibrate the control instruments of 1.7 GW windfarm at Neom Green Hydrogen Plant. It shall support to maintain safety, equipment integrity and reliability of assets in accordance with NGHC maintenance strategy whilst ensuring uninterrupted plant operations and effective upkeep. It shall also contribute to continuous workflow improvements and increase in the asset productivity and efficiency.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Laboratory Technician – HIDC (Hydrogen Innovation and Development Center)

    Hydrogen Innovation and Development Center (HIDC) Laboratory Technician role is a key member of the O&M team for NGHC. Responsible for carrying out the necessary daily analysis in the production plant, which includes raw materials, process and effluent water, process chemicals and process gases. The incumbent shall work in accordance with company safety policies, laboratory site-specific procedures and methods to ensure reliability, efficiency and productivity goals are met. Based in Neom, the position reports to HIDC Superintendent.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Procurement Specialist

    This position is responsible for overseeing the procurement of materials, equipment, and services for all imported capital equipment and operational spares executed by AP EPC. Measures of success are the seamless management of imported goods by AP EPC by close coordination with AP EPC project procurement team for customs clearance, obtaining the necessary duty exemption and/or refund process and ensuring all procurement and logistics platforms (e.g. saber, Senai) are maintained active and Sadad payment is processed. The Procurement specialist is also expected to support NGHC departments in the procurement and delivery of the functional departments’ needs of materials and services. The role would entail developing competitive sourcing strategies, actively engage suppliers, professionally negotiate purchase orders, and resolve performance issues.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Senior Manager / Director Cybersecurity

    The Cybersecurity Senior Manager/Director is responsible for leading cybersecurity work within the organization, establishes vision and direction for its IT and industrial cybersecurity and related strategies, resources and activities and advises the leadership on the effective management of the organization’s cyber risks.
    The Cybersecurity Manager position requires a leader with relevant experience in managing critical infrastructure, sound knowledge of business management and a working knowledge of cybersecurity technologies covering the corporate network as well as the broader digital ecosystem including Operational Technology Cybersecurity.

  • Duba, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (On-site)

    NGHC Control Room Operator – Wind Plant

    Wind – Control Room Operators shall be responsible for performing all day-to-day operational activities of 1.7 GW windfarm from 24/7 central control room at Neom Green Hydrogen Plant. The core objective shall be to ensure smooth and efficient operation, keeping into account the electricity requirements of green hydrogen-based ammonia production facility sited in NEOM, while always prioritizing the safety of personnel and asset.


فرص العمل الجديدة

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